• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Highly Recommended

  • 7 Little Words for Kids
  • Reviewed by:
  • Published on:
  • Last modified: November 19, 2019
  • Quality
    Editor: 90%
  • Education
    Editor: 100%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 90%
  • Value
    Editor: 90%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 90%

Review Summary:

7 Little Words For Kids is a fun and challenging app with lots of word puzzles and clues that kids will love.

[appimg 598673952]

App Info

Price: [app 598673952] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app]

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7 Little Words For Kids is a great word puzzle app that will challenge children to use their problem solving and spelling skills to correctly solve a variety of word puzzles. With 7 worlds and 350 puzzles to solve, this app will provide hours of puzzle fun.

Features include:

  • 7 Worlds
  • 350 Puzzles
  • Hint Function


7 Little Words For Kids has a variety of fun word puzzles that must be solved in order to move onto the next puzzle. The illustrations that are included in each world are well done as they match the given world. For example, in the safari, there are lions and elephants etc. The sound effects are very simple throughout the app which helps so children will not get too distracted while they are working on each puzzle. While the set up for the app is fairly simple, the quality is still very good.


This app offers not only practice with problem solving, but also allows children to practice their spelling skills. Each puzzle has a list of 7 clues and a variety of scrambled word segments that when combined become the solutions to the clues. Not only do children need to successfully figure out what word each clue is referring to, they must also know how to spell it and select the correct sequence of letters to do so. After solving each level, they can move onto the next to collect enough stars to unlock the next world. Another great thing about this app is that it allows children to use additional hints to assist them if they get stuck.


Children who love a good challenge will love this app because of the fun puzzles that are included. Figuring out what each clue is referring to and then finding the corresponding letters is not only great for practicing spelling, but is a lot of fun to. And with 350 puzzles to complete players will have lots of fun.


Priced at just under three dollars, this app is a steal. There are so many puzzles and levels across 7 worlds that children will get many hours of entertainment for a great price. Parents will certainly appreciate the education and entertainment value they are getting for the price.

Child Friendliness

7 Little Words For Kids is best for school aged children since it involves quite a bit of spelling and reading. The developers have done a great job ensuring it is easy to use by including the hint function as well as a button that allows children to shuffle the word segments around in order to help them figure out each word. There is also a great stats button that allows children to see how many puzzles and words they complete each day and how many clues are used which is great for parents to use to check in on their child’s progress.

There are no in-app purchase links or social media links to be concerned with, however there is a link to other apps on the main page that is not protected that parents will want to be aware of. Another thing to note is the “rate this app” option that appears after each puzzle is solved. While it isn’t a very distracting button, it is not protected so parents will want to keep that in mind. With that said, overall this app is great for kids.

7 Little Words For Kids is a fun and challenging app with lots of word puzzles and clues that kids will love.

Editor rating
Rated 4.5 stars