5 Tips For Dealing With Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a common problem for little children, as they’re being placed in daycare, preschool, or kindergarten away from Mom and Dad. If separation anxiety is an issue with your child, review the following tips for relieving this anxiety and helping your youngling adjust to life without you, even if it is only a for a few hours a day:

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Talk About What To Expect

Rather than dropping your child off at preschool, etc. and zooming away in your car, let the little one know what to expect. Read books about preschool or kindergarten, talk about what goes on in these environments, let him that you won’t be there throughout but will return for pickup, what the dropoff process entails, etc. The more you prepare your child, the better able he will be at handling what’s ahead.

Use ‘The Kissing Hand’ Technique

Use a technique from the book The Kissing Hand. Kiss your child’s palm before you leave so the little shaver knows you and your love are close by. Have the child do the same to you for further effect. That way, you both know love is near when you start to miss each other!

Visit The School

Visit the preschool or kindergarten classroom prior to the child’s start date for further familiarization and acclimation. This allows your child to inspect the new environment in a casual way with you present, something that will undoubtedly make the youngster feel much better.

Provide Special Bracelets

Provide your child with special bracelets–one for you, one for your partner–to wear when at school. Your child can look at the bracelets whenever he is feeling sad or lonely and know you’re near. It also shows your child that you miss him when he’s away!

Don’t Go In The Room

Refrain from walking your child into the preschool or kindergarten room. This may seem a bit harsh, but it’s one of the best things you can do to reduce separation anxiety. It teaches your child that school is a place where you aren’t, but that’s okay. Let the child walk in by herself and remember to act confident and happy about her attending school. If you’re nervous, anxious, or insecure about it, your child will know and experience similar feelings.

Keep these tips in mind to make the transition from home to school a seamless one! You’ll be happy you did!