• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Highly Recommended
$ $3.99

  • George and the Ice Cream Castle
  • Reviewed by:
  • Published on:
  • Last modified: November 19, 2019
  • Quality
    Editor: 90%
  • Education
    Editor: 90%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 100%
  • Value
    Editor: 80%
  • Child Friendliness
    Editor: 90%

Review Summary:

Join George as he travels through Yum Yum Land to get to the Ice Cream Castle and learn about healthy eating along the way.

[appimg 975003289]

App Info

Price: [app 975003289] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app] Download on the App Store


Head out on an adventure to Yum Yum land with George as he delivers a wooden spoon to the Ice Cream Castle. On the way, learn about healthy foods, build basic counting skills, and meet a host of fun characters. George and the Ice Cream Castle is an entertaining story filled with a variety of activities kids will enjoy.

Features include:

  • Encourages healthy eating
  • Basic counting games
  • Puzzles and riddles to solve
  • Engaging characters


This app has been designed with kids in mind. The story moves at a good pace and includes plenty of pauses and interactive components to keep kids focused. Throughout the story, paw prints help keep kids focused and arrows guide them from screen to screen. Kids will find plenty to look at and interact with on each screen and many of the screens require kids to complete activities to continue the story. There are a few moments within the app where kids may find things move a little slowly or are too busy for them to figure out what to do next, but overall the app works perfectly for kids’ attention spans.


The general focus of the app is to encourage kids to eat healthy food, but other learning activities are mixed in. For example, when kids first meet the apple tree, they must pick five flowers to give to the king. When kids meet the rabbit, they must collect different amounts of fruit to move on to the next part of the story too. There are other puzzles and riddles mixed in as well. All of the activities are simple, but help kids build basic math and literacy skills.


Kids will get to know George and the characters in Yum Yum land as they go through the story. Many of the characters in Yum Yum Land are surprisingly hip and modern, making them more engaging for kids. The wealth of interactive activities interspersed throughout the app, including counting activities, puzzles, and ice cream decorating, will keep kids entertained throughout the entire tale.


The app is priced similarly to other interactive storybooks for kids. It also contains a bonus healthy recipes section to encourage kids to make healthy snacks in the kitchen. It would be a great value if it were priced a bit lower, but it’s worth a download priced as-is.

Child Friendliness

A protected parent area contains a short note to parents and a “rate me” option. Aside from that, the app is full of child-friendly content.

  • Protected parent area (can contain external links & social media)
  • NO external links
  • NO social media
  • NO 3rd party ads
  • NO in-app purchase

Join George as he travels through Yum Yum Land to get to the Ice Cream Castle and learn about healthy eating along the way.

$ $3.99
Editor rating
Rated 4.5 stars