• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Highly Recommended

  • Quality
    Editor: 90%
  • Education
    Editor: 90%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 80%
  • Value
    Editor: 80%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 100%

Review Summary:

Users of all ages will appreciate learning American history with the Disney American Presidents app.

[appimg 559557889]

App Info

Price: [app 559557889] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app] Download on the App Store


This app is one of the apps featured in our Kids Apps for President’s Day post.

Disney American Presidents is full of fun and historical facts about all of our American presidents. The multiple design elements used in presenting information keeps the user engaged.

Features include:

  • Fun facts
  • Historical facts
  • Sound bites
  • Video profiles


Disney American Presidents pulls together many quality design elements to make the learning of what could normally be pretty boring facts into an entertaining environment that is easy to use for a wide range of users.

A useful, but brief, help screen is available from a menu bar located at the bottom of the screen. The help screen shows the location and purpose of buttons available.

Background music can also be changed easily from the menu bar. The music adds nicely to the atmosphere of the app.

Presidents that have been viewed are marked as such; a setting to reset viewed presidents is available in the settings.

Narration is not available for all facts; adding a narration option for those not able to read the text would be beneficial.


Presidents can be viewed from the Presidents Page or the Unofficial Oval Office Scrapbook. The Presidents Page provides presidents at a glance and indicates which have already been viewed. Selecting a president from this screen launches the scrapbook. In the scrapbook is where the user will find the president’s years of service, a picture, their signature, the era in which the president served, their political party, vice president(s), birth state, year of birth and death, fun facts, historical facts, a sound bite and a video profile.

Young children, or those who are not proficient readers, will need assistance with facts that are text as only the sound bite and video profile are the only items narrated.


Children and adults will enjoy using the Disney American Presidents app to learn about our presidents. The information is presented in a light-hearted manner amusing most users. This app could be one that the kids will want kept on your iPad as they like learning about American presidents all year long.


Normally priced at just less than four dollars some families and schools may find that a bit much for an iPad only app. Kids are likely to return to this quality app even after viewing all of the presidents.

An iPhone version is available for download from the App store.

Child Friendliness

In Disney American Presidents children will be able to learn numerous facts about our American presidents in a safe and entertaining environment. Parents will have no worries about their child accessing unwanted links.

Users of all ages will appreciate learning American history with the Disney American Presidents app.

Editor rating
Rated 4.5 stars