Stories2Learn app By MDRStories2Learn app By MDR

Expert reviewed and approved for



This app helps autistic kids and other students with social learning challenges by creating personalized social stories with photos, text and audio messages. Stories can be created quicky with a parent or educator and shows concepts such as making eye contact, sharing, schedules in a personalized way.

Although, the benefits to autistic children are the prime focus in this app, I can see it working well for kids with social anxiety and shyness. Being able to role play and see youself dealing with different situations can help children get through uncomfortable situations.

This app has not been reviewed by, but was recommended by Shannon Des Roches Rosa, mother to an autistic child and autism writer / advocate. Visit Shannon Des Roches Rosa’s blog for more autism insights and app recommendations.

Here’s what Shannon Des Roches Rosa has to say about the Stories2Learn autism app.

Social stories help Leo with new transitions, situations, and reinforces challenging routines. I can make a social story in about fifteen minutes, once the pictures are loaded on the iPad.

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