Old MacDonald for Piano by KiboomuOld MacDonald Piano By Kiboomu Publishing

Rating: 4 out of 5
Buy it? Yes
iPhone / iPod / ipad app: $0.99
iPad only  (HD) app: n/a
Universal app : n/a

Solar Walk 3D app

The Old MacDonald Piano app from Kiboomu is a fantastic introduction to music with a well-known kids song, Old MacDonald. Although it is definitely styled for the younger child, anyone beginning music can get a quick start using this app. Personally, I am just starting to learn piano, and I liked practicing the notes and hearing myself on playback. This would be an amazing app with a few more songs and in-app help on how to use the app.


  • Play and Sing
  • Learn the Song
  • Karaoke
  • Free Style
  • Try sounds from different instruments, including piano, guitar and pig!
  • Record yourself and playback.
  • Bright, fun graphics and animations.

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