6 Unconventional Tips For First-Time Moms

Being a mom for the first time is understandably a bit daunting! Remember to breathe and know you’ll figure it out. Use the following “unconventional” tips for first-time moms to help yourself navigate the waters of parenthood.

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Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Parenting is not a competitive sport. The old saying “Comparisons are odious” is true for a reason! Don’t waste time comparing yourself to other parents. Focus on your child and doing what’s best for him or her.

You Do Not Need To Go On A Crazy Shopping Spree

Avoid going nuts at baby and children’s stores while you’re still expecting. Yes, you of course need supplies such as diapers and furniture such as cribs, but wait until your little one arrives to purchase various other items. Get to know your baby a little to determine what you do and do not need.

There’s No Breaking The Baby

Fear of “breaking” the baby is common for new moms. Support the child’s head and neck–you’ll be just fine.

Don’t Ignore Yourself

Refuse to feel bad if the house is a little messier following the birth of your first child. It it comes down to brushing your hair or vacuuming the living room, brush your hair. Being a new mom doesn’t mean you have to let yourself go! It’s perfectly okay to want to keep up your appearance.

Nothing Will Ever Be The Same

Remembering that your life is permanently altered and that’s it is something to reconcile yourself with sooner rather than later. Your life will never be the same, but that’s a good thing! Kids change everything…and it’s okay.

The Connection Builds Over Time

Keep in mind the connection with your child is something that builds over time. Don’t expect an instant connection, even if you feel the overwhelming urge to protect your baby. The love connection is a gradual process, so don’t fret.