• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Highly Recommended

  • Thomas Edison’s Secret Lab
  • Reviewed by:
  • Published on:
  • Last modified: November 19, 2019
  • Quality
    Editor: 100%
  • Education
    Editor: 100%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 90%
  • Value
    Editor: 90%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 90%

Review Summary:

Thomas Edison's Secret Lab is an exciting app full of great educational material shared through fun music videos, interactive games, and entertaining lab experiments that kids will love.

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App Info

Price: [app 1027518327] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app] Download on the App Store


Thomas Edison’s Secret Lab is a cute educational app full of great information, experiments, games, and other fun activities for children to enjoy. Not only do players have the chance to learn about various inventors and scientists, but they can also enjoy scientific music videos and meet some of Edison’s virtual team. Interactive and lots of fun.

Features include:

  • Fun experiments
  • Educational music videos
  • Games


There is no doubt that the developers have done an excellent job creating fun images and illustrations for children to enjoy in this app. Each section has it’s own bit of high quality magic that offers interactive and entertaining images and activities. The user interface is easy to use and allows players to move through at their own pace. The developers have also included a bit of an introduction to give players some insight into how the app works and what they can expect. Overall, it’s very well done.


When it comes to educational value, this app is great! Not only will children have the chance to learn about Thomas Edison and his contributions to science, but they also get to learn about other scientists including Benjamin Franklin, Marie Curie, Sir Isaac Newton and many more. For each scientist players will learn about inventions and discoveries, their biography, a fun fact, and a famous quote. There is also a videos section of the app that allows children to learn fun science concepts through entertaining music videos. And if that isn’t enough, the experiments section provides four experiments that users can try at home (with parental supervision) for a little hands on learning.


In addition to all of the educational material that is included in the app, players are going to have a ton of fun as they learn about the other characters within the lab in the hologram section of the app. There is also a games section that allows children to play fun, science related games. (Note: In order to access these games, players are taken out of the app to the secret lab website to play through an unprotected button. This is addressed in the child-friendly section below.)


Priced at just under a dollar this app is a steal! When you consider all of the educational and engaging material that is included, this app offers a ton of value. Parents will certainly be happy with the price and all that this app entails.

Child Friendliness

The developers have done an excellent job with the visuals, activities, educational material and games presented in this app. One thing parents will want to be aware of if they are using an iPad 2 device is that in order to access the games section players are taken through an (unprotected) external link to the website where the games are located. All other devices include the games within the device which is perfect. It would be nice to have a simple gateway to protect users who might be using an iPad 2, however for users using newer models this is not an issue.

  • NO social media
  • NO in-app purchase
  • NO 3rd party ads
  • YES “external links” (unprotected on iPad 2 devices only)

Thomas Edison's Secret Lab is an exciting app full of great educational material shared through fun music videos, interactive games, and entertaining lab experiments that kids will love.

Editor rating
Rated 4.5 stars