• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4 stars
  • Recommended

  • Quality
    Editor: 80%
  • Education
    Editor: 80%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 90%
  • Value
    Editor: 90%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 80%

Review Summary:

Teddy is Missing-A Storyshape Adventure is a cute interactive storybook app that allows readers to select how the story unfolds. Creative, interactive, and loads of fun!

[appimg 955821480]

App Info

Price: [app 955821480] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app]

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Teddy is Missing is an interactive storybook app that allows children to choose the path of the story, providing a ton of freedom and fun. This magical tale is very well done with educational and fun games within each story path for children to enjoy in addition to the story. With animated characters, interactive illustrations, and lively narration, this is one story children will enjoy for a long time.

Features include:

  • 6 Story paths
  • Magical storyline
  • 6 Mini-games


Teddy is Missing is a cute storybook app that is easy to use and lots of fun. The lively narration and interactive images are great for keeping young minds engaged and the ability for children to select the path of the story is even better. The set up is easy to use and quite intuitive so readers can easily move through the app without trouble. The developers have done a nice job with the illustrations as well as the sound effects to create an overall creative experience for children to enjoy as they read.

With that said the transitions and response to user touch on the interactive images could use some work. Some of the pages load a bit slower than others and their is often a lag in reaction time for some of the interactive illustrations.


The developers have included some fun mini-games that provide children with a bit of educational practice as they move through the different paths of the story. These include connect the dots, matching colors, a puzzle, etc. that will help children get some practice with their problem solving skills.

Adding a few extra reading options would help enhance the educational value of the app. Adding simple text highlighting and read to me/read to myself options would allow readers to practice their reading skills while enjoying this creative storybook app.


This app is full of highly entertaining bits that children will love. The story itself is very engaging and has a magical feel with the witch that has stolen Teddy. The ability for readers to select the story path adds a fun twist to the typical storybook app and gives children the freedom to enjoy the story on their terms. Each interactive illustration, storyline, and image included has fun sound effects and narration to add more interest to this highly entertaining story.


Priced at just under three dollars this app is a great deal. In addition to the fantastic story, alternate story paths and fun interactive illustrations throughout, the developers have included mini-games within each story path to add more value to the app which is great. Overall this is an app that parents will certainly get their money’s worth as it will quickly become a family favorite.

Child Friendliness

The developers have done a good job making this app easy to use for children of all ages. With simple arrows at the bottom of each page and magical sparkles to indicate an interactive image, readers are able to easily move through the app without a lot of trouble or instruction. The transition from page to page could use some work as there are some pages that load a bit slower than others and the touch response for the interactive images could use a bit of work as well.

  • Protected parent area (can contain external links & social media)
  • NO external links
  • NO social media
  • NO in-app purchase
  • NO 3rd party ads

Teddy is Missing-A Storyshape Adventure is a cute interactive storybook app that allows readers to select how the story unfolds. Creative, interactive, and loads of fun!

Editor rating
Rated 4 stars