• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Highly Recommended

  • BabyBoard Game
  • Reviewed by:
  • Published on:
  • Last modified: November 19, 2019
  • Quality
    Editor: 90%
  • Education
    Editor: 90%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 80%
  • Value
    Editor: 90%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 90%

Review Summary:

Babyboard Game is a great early learning app for children 18 months or older that teaches children to use their problem solving skills with a variety of sorting activities.

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Price: [app 777309236] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app]

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BabyBoard Game is a simple app aimed at young children to teach them simple sorting skills based on size, color, shape, etc. This app offers two modes of play, one that is more directed play and a free play option. The directed play option offers progressively more difficult tasks for little ones to complete before moving onto the next and allows children to use their problem solving skills and logic to complete each task. This is a nice app for children under three or those who need some extra assistance with fine motor skills.

Features include:

  • 2 Modes of play
  • Color, shape, size sorting
  • Puzzles


BabyBoard Game is a simple app that uses a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to teach children various sorting techniques. The graphics of the app are focused primarily on the shapes and objects that are being used in each activity and the audio includes background music, dragging sounds for each object, and cheering when each activity is successfully completed. The developers have included a very easy to use interface that allows children to drag and drop pieces around the board as they play. While there aren’t any hints available for if a child gets stuck, the app is designed to allow children to develop their logic and problem solving skills in a very experiential way.


The primary function of this app is to teach children to use their logic and problem solving skills to complete each activity. With no directions at all, children must figure out how to complete each task based on the pieces they are shown. The levels also progress in difficulty which allows players to naturally learn and intuit what to do in each activity. For instance, the very first activity includes a colored circle and a hole the same shape as the circle. The child must drag and drop the circle into the hole to complete the task. Once that is complete they might move onto another activity that has two holes in different colors and players must figure out which object goes into which hole.

There are also other activities that are more advanced like puzzles and mazes that will really challenge children a lot more as they progress and if parents choose to make the in-app purchase for additional levels, there are even more great activities that can help children with their counting skills, numbers etc.


While this is primarily an educational app, the developers have included a play area for children to explore and build using a variety of shapes and colors. This free play option is accessible from the main page and can keep children busy for hours.


The initial app is offered for free and it includes three levels of play from 18+ months up, however you can unlock all levels for just under three dollars. While I believe the free version does offer some great activities to teach children simple sorting, the unlocked levels take the initial learning to a new level with more difficulty. With that said, I think the in app purchase is a great deal especially for parents looking for more hands on type practice for children that will help with fine motor skills and problem solving.

Child Friendliness

BabyBoard Game is made for children 18 months and up and the simple drag and drop functioning is great for that age range. While children at that age are still getting practice with their fine motor skills, this app will help fine tune those skills while teaching children how to sort shapes, colors, sizes, etc. The simple set-up makes it very easy to use.

The developers have also made sure to keep this app safe for children as well. Once children are in the actual app, they don’t have easy access out of the activity which helps to keep them focused. There is a bar at the top of the screen that is protected that allows access to the sound options and allows parents to view what level children are on. I did find it odd that there wasn’t a home button to take you back to the main page to switch activities.

The in app purchase offer is included at the end of the ‘free’ activities and it is protected so children won’t be making unknown purchases. Something else to note is there are social media icons that are listed on the main page ‘info’ tab, however when they are tapped they are also protected.

Babyboard Game is a great early learning app for children 18 months or older that teaches children to use their problem solving skills with a variety of sorting activities.

Editor rating
Rated 4.5 stars