• Editor Rating

  • Rated 5 stars
  • Best of the Best

  • Quality
    Editor: 100%
  • Education
    Editor: 100%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 100%
  • Value
    Editor: 100%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 90%

Review Summary:

Another great Ansel & Clair app that focuses on fun facts about American history, government, geography etc. with an entertaining bowling game.

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App Info

Price: [app 754874884] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app]

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If you liked the other Ansel & Clair apps (Jurassic Dinosaurs, Little Green Island, Paul Revere’s, and Cretaceous Dinosaurs) then you are going to love Ansel & Clair: American Bowl. This is a great app for children of all ages to brush up on their facts about American history, government, and other fun facts. This trivia-like includes customizable categories, difficulty levels, and a fun bowling game to teach and test players knowledge on America. With over 1000 questions and the ability to set up multiple profiles, this app is great for teachers and families.

Features include:

  • Multiple profile
  • 3 Difficulty levels
  • Customizable categories
  • Progress tracking


The Ansel & Clair series always provides a high-quality app with tons of information for children to learn and this app is no different. The developers have done a magnificent job with the illustrations and images that are used on each bowling ball and the bowling game animation is easy to use and a lot of fun. The sound effects that are included make it seem like players are in a real bowling alley with the sounds of pins being knocked down etc. Players may especially enjoy the creative power-up options that are available to provide an extra punch as they roll the ball down the alley. Much like the other Ansel & Clair apps, this one is high quality all the way around.


Ansel & Clair: American Bowl is a special app that focuses on a variety of facts about America, its history, government etc. At the beginning of the app, children are asked to select their difficulty level and to select the categories they want to be included in their questions. There are 8 categories for each difficulty level and can be anything from national holidays, famous quotes, monuments, etc. After selecting their categories, the real fun begins as they are asked to answer several multiple choice questions in order to gain access to a bowling ball. There are over 1000 questions included and several fun facts that appear throughout the app making this one of the best educational apps I have seen.

The best part about this app is that players are not only testing what they already know, but they are also learning more info as they play. With each unique bowling ball that they accrue, an additional fun fact is revealed. As players move through and answer each question, they are also provided additional info that expands on the answer they already provided. Another great feature of this app is that parents/teachers can track the progress of correct/incorrect answers and what categories need more practice. The amount of information that is included in this app is astounding!


Children are not only going to learn a ton in this app, but they are also going to have fun doing it. As they answer each question correctly they earn a bowling ball that is used to knock down as many pins as possible. The goal is to free the captive eagle that is in the middle of the pins. There are also power-up options that give the bowling ball special power to help players knock down the pins which is a lot of fun for children. With 50 eagles to free and 50 unique bowling balls to collect, children are going to have a ton of fun playing this app.


Priced at just under a dollar, this app is a steal and is certainly not one to be missed. You just can’t get this kind of educational practice with so many fun facts for so little money. When you consider the multiple profile option, over 1000 questions, 3 difficulty levels, and the high quality images and sound effects that are included, you can’t beat the price.

Child Friendliness

For the most part this app is easy to use and great for children of all ages. The user interface is pretty self explanatory and is easy to maneuver through answering the questions and rolling the bowling ball etc. It does seem like the transitions between bowling and the next question are quite long with a lot of celebration etc. that could distract children.

Parents will want to be aware of the fact that the main page offers a small link to other apps by the same developer though it is password protected. There is also an info button that is on the main page and also available within the app that allows access to a variety of options along with social media links. While the links are protected, some parents might be concerned with having them in the app at all. Overall though, this app is great for children to use.

Another great Ansel & Clair app that focuses on fun facts about American history, government, geography etc. with an entertaining bowling game.

Editor rating
Rated 5 stars