• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Highly Recommended

  • 9 Months
  • Reviewed by:
  • Published on:
  • Last modified: November 19, 2019
  • Quality
    Editor: 100%
  • Education
    Editor: 100%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: N/A%
  • Value
    Editor: 100%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 70%

Review Summary:

9 Months is a highly informative, well organized app that teaches children about the pregnancy process from conception to birth and it's a great value!

[appimg 901371958]

App Info

Price: [app 901371958] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app] Download on the App Store


Warning: this app includes the process from “making love” to giving birth and may not be appropriate for all children and their parents.

9 Months is an incredibly educational and high quality app that teaches children about the growth process during pregnancy. With lots of information organized in an easy to understand way for little ones, this app is great for children as it includes narration and interactive images that help to keep things interesting.

Features include:

  • Easy to use
  • Great information
  • Interactive images


9 Months is not only a high quality app in terms of the information it provides, but the way the developers have organized the information is really wonderful. The app takes you through the pregnancy process from start to finish and outlines what happens during each month of growth. With wonderful images, information, narration, and a well organized layout, this app is one of the best I have seen as far as having all the key elements of a high quality app. Very well done.


9 Months is by far one of the best apps I have seen in terms of educational elements. With so much information included it could have easily been confusing for users, but the developers have done a nice job of organizing the information in an easy to understand way. The process begins at conception and shows a couple in the “making love” stage which might be concerning for some parents. The developers have done a great job of keeping this aspect of the process informative and tasteful for young viewers. From there, children learn how the egg gets fertilized and how the baby begins to grow inside the mommy’s tummy.

Each month of pregnancy is then outlined with specific information given about what is happening during each stage of growth. Children can see inside the mommy’s tummy to see how the baby changes and can tap on various arrows that indicate additional information. There are even months where children can see sonogram pictures of what a baby looks like in addition to learning about how much they way etc.

With so much sensitive information that could be included in this app, the developers have done a great job making it tasteful yet highly educational. Even the birthing process is very well done as it shows the baby coming out of the birthing canal and explains how the umbilical cord is cut etc. This app is a great way to teach children where babies come from with awesome information and without the uncomfortable discussion.


Not rated for entertainment.


This app is definitely an amazing value as it is completely free! It’s hard to believe that an app with so much information could be offered for free, but it is! Parents are sure to be happy about that.

Child Friendliness

The developers have done a great job organizing some potentially confusing information in a way that children can easily understand it. The content is wonderful, the organization is great, and the app itself is well done. While it is easy for children to use, it unfortunately is not completely safe for children to use. While there are not any social media links included in the app or in app purchase links, there is an accessible button for ‘other apps’. This button is relatively small and is included on every page of the app that provides access to volume control, music etc. as well as a button to ‘other apps’. The ‘other apps’ button is not protected and allows children out of the app to a website where they can access the App Store. This is not ideal in any child’s app and is really unfortunate for such a high quality, high information app like this one. Parents will need to keep an eye on little ones as they move through this app for that reason.

9 Months is a highly informative, well organized app that teaches children about the pregnancy process from conception to birth and it's a great value!

Editor rating
Rated 4.5 stars