Available in the App Store


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Mentally stimulating, Brain Bot Jr, contains six games designed to help improve your memory and attention. Geared for ages 6+, adults will want to play, too.

The premise of the app is that by playing three predetermined games a day, for about 10 minutes, you will boost your brain power. The games definitely require complete concentration. Each of the games serves a purpose; some require memorization, while others require attention to detail and being able to react quickly.

Level of difficulty for each game automatically adjusts as you play. For example, in the Treasure Hunt game, you work your way up from six cards to nine, then find yourself not able to remember where all of the treasure is, the game automatically reduces the number of cards back to six.

For those that want to track progress, a detailed progress report is available. You can see the stats for each of the games.
Each game contains brief, easy to understand, instructions for how to play the game. The games are addicting and you may find yourself wanting to continue game play after completing the required games of the day.

Bright colors, cute graphics and music all add to the energizing environment. Except for Who’s Who and Spy Kid, each of the games has different music, graphics and colors; Who’s Who and Spy Kid are similar and use the same photographs. Brain Bot is a kid-friendly environment and does not contain social media buttons or in-app purchases.

Brain Bot is a single player app; having the ability for multiple user accounts would be a great feature for families and schools. A reset feature would be good, too.

Bottom line

Brain Bot Jr is a good way to have fun while improving various mental skills.
Get brainy in just minutes a day! Brain Bot Jr. provides six multileveled brain games to help you improve memory and attention – while having fun! You can increase your brain power and have a great time. You’ll get three games a day and help fight off alien attacks, traverse enchanted forests and uncover diamonds in magic gardens! We’ll let you know how you are doing and how you’ve improved specifically in terms of accuracy and response time.You’ll quickly see your braininess grow and harness your complete brainy abilities! You can increase your brain power and have fun! Come get brainy!

You can expect:

– Cool sounds and compelling art

– A variety of motivating and fun games – with more to come!

– Complete reports on your brainy progress for both accuracy and response time

Regular Price: $1.99